LOVE ME transcript


LOVE ME transcript of text in English on screen:

Sometimes I don’t know who despises us more, we ourselves or the others.

All of your past, is it more than a dream to you right now?

You don’t fucking care. You never have. I know that.

Leave me alone.

Love me please.

…bitch, cunt, dick, prick…

I want you to say you’re sorry. I need you to say that.

Where are your scars?

What do you want me to do? Should I kill my Father for what he did?

…merde, crisse, motherfucker…

SOB  /  S.O.B.


what about me?

If you refuse this peace that represses, that buries?

The present has no time. There is no duration to now.

She knows her part but she won’t play it. Her identity lies less in who she is, than who she refuses to be.

He was always convivial and dependably heartless.

Who are we? Who am I?

There was in the depths of her heart an awful fear.

The issue is not to forget or remember, but how to remember.

Perfection is terrible, it cannot have children.

What are you afraid of?

Je puis, donc je suis.
I can, therefore, I am.  Simone Weil
He drafted memos in the aesthetic verbiage of the planner, the paper shuffler, the detached specialist.

…prick, ass-hole…

“We handle this memory like a common secret; we negate and deny.”


I trust you to accept me.

Love me    please.
Leave me alone.

I forgive myself.
I forgive you.

The supreme secret must be told; first that trees are alive; next there is no crime; next universal love, he muttered gasping painfully.
No crime, love.

Indoors among ordinary things, the table, the window-sill with geraniums, suddenly